Opinion: Artificial Intelligence 

By Dawson Beard, Skyline Columnist

In an era of unprecedented technological progress, artificial intelligence has defied expectations, making remarkable advancements that are reshaping the world as we know it. From enhancing healthcare to revolutionizing transportation and transforming countless other sectors of our everyday lives, AI is heralding a new era of possibilities. As cutting-edge research continues to push the boundaries of what AI can achieve, its transformative impact is becoming increasingly evident, offering a glimpse into a future where machines work seamlessly alongside humans to solve complex problems and improve lives. 

What if I told you that that lead was not written by me, but instead by artificial intelligence? All I had to do was type “write a news lead about the advancements in AI” into ChatGPT, and in less than thirty seconds, this is what the software came up with, a lead that could pass as award-winning. Even the software was giving itself, and its AI counterparts, a pat on their non-existent backs.  

I am not sure whether to be amazed by these advancements in AI technology, or completely terrified by the fact that it can do my job better than I can. Going into my ChatGPT entry, I was expecting some robotic answer with grammatical errors that I would need to revise. My heart jumped when I saw that was not the case. 

It is not just Skyline columnists whose jobs are in jeopardy. By 2030, most major industries will be partially, or possibly even completely, taken over by artificial intelligence. The potential AI-disrupted industry that I found most shocking was the transportation industry. Imagine a world where you are riding the bus to work and there’s nobody behind the wheel. No more drivers to make awkward small talk with as you get on the bus; no more fearing for your life when the driver decides to merge into lanes without looking; no more abundance of curb checks on the way to your destination. 

While artificial intelligence has not completely taken over the US economy or made any significant alterations to our way of life, we are closer than ever to that reality. For the sake of everyone whose industries may experience an AI takeover, I hope that when it is all said and done there is still use for human labor. Hopefully, AI brings about the wonders of innovation and creation that experts say it will and not the displacement of millions of workers across the globe. 


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